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[무병장수] 건강을 말하다/코로나19 극복합시다!

COVID-19 Korean News, [COVID-19] Good food for prevention.

by 창의날다 2020. 3. 9.

Hello, everyone!

These days, I think it's such a chaotic time that just saying "hello" makes me feel blessed.

Lack of information leads us to fear and anxiety.

The same goes for  COVID-19.

With confirmed cases and deaths on the rise, information about treatments, vaccines, and preventative things feels far from sufficient.

It's hard for the government and the media to find out about COVID-19 treatment and prevention.

The rules of conduct to prevent infection are continuously advertised and promoted, but it is unfortunate that there is no more information in life such as food or nutrients.

Maybe it's because COVID-19 hasn't been studied yet, and there's no information.

Hasn't found effective treatment and prevention food yet... I'm wondering.


If you look at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the government's various announcements, you'll see that COVID-19 can eventually pass like a cold for people with good immune system and healthy health.

Wearing a mask to prevent COVID-19 and washing your hands well are important, but I think basic immunity and health are also important.

Even more simply looking at the fatality rate, I think it's very important to develop immunity.


So today's posting will introduce foods that can help prevent people from getting sick and lungs.

First of all, you can't prove medically that these are the exact foods that prevent COVID-19 (corona virus.

I can't say that I'm sure the food I'm introducing is good for preventing COVID-19 soon, but I can't prove it's not working very well.

But it is certain that our body is immune, cold, and food that keeps our lungs healthy.


Basic infection prevention rules such as 'Wear masks, wash hands ( sterilize), and not go to crowded places' should be observed. I also think we should keep our body immune and healthy in case the coronavirus comes into our system.


* Foods that help with the massive immunity of COVID-19.


1. A balanced diet increases your immunity.

Garlic: It contains an ingredient called alicin, which helps absorb vitamin B to promote energy metabolism in the body and to remove active oxygen in the blood. It also sterilizes, detoxifies, and kills germs and viruses in the human body, helping prevent diseases and improve immunity. Especially, alicin helps prevent COVID-19 because any form of cooking will not destroy it.

Citrus: Tangerine orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, etc. These fruits are famous for being rich in vitamins and especially vitamin C. It can help strengthen the body's immune system and help prevent diseases such as colds and flu.

Protein: Protein is also a must-have food. It is the second largest proportion of the body after water. Proteins are lymphocytes that make up immune cells, especially in winter, where more energy and protein is used to maintain body temperature. Soon, lack of protein makes it easier to penetrate the virus, so protein is essential to maintaining immunity.


2. You have to drink water well.

Our bodies need to stay hydrated for our metabolism to work smoothly. In particular, drinking more than six glasses of water each day helps protect your body from bacteria and viruses.


** Food good for the lungs to prevent COVID-19

Doraji: A typical alkaline food. It is a high fiber, rich in calcium and iron, and rich in vitamins and minerals. Saponin, one of the bitter flavors of balloon flower, helps the bronchial tubes and respiratory health.

Pears: Pears are fruits that are effective for bronchial diseases. It is good for colds and asthma and has the effect of eliminating phlegm and cough.

Ginger: A lot of ginger is used to prevent or treat colds in winter. The reason is ginger rolls and showwool ingredients in ginger. These ingredients are effective in promoting the activity of T-cells, immune cells that destroy infected cells.

Onions: Onions have querceton ingredients. This component has an anti-viral effect. Any form of cooking does not destroy it, so it helps to increase immunity.

Soybean (dubu, soybean paste, cheonggukjang): Genistine in soy has a wide range of anti-viral effects, including adenovirus that causes respiratory problems and Arena Virus that causes bleeding. The protein contained in soybeans is a source of white blood cells, lymphocytes, and antibodies that fight viruses, which greatly help boost immunity.

Sweet Potato: It contains a lot of beta-carotene and vitamin A, which is effective in strengthening immunity.

* More food can help you stay healthy and healthy. I think the most important thing is to eat evenly, and I think that in this period of time, anxiety isn't just about letting go of your hands and being afraid, but if you're able to nourish your body with a healthy diet and increase your basic immunity, we'll be able to overcome COVID-19.

